Want to use stock images in your emails?
Your ArchReach account has an image manager that comes pre-populated with stock images for your use. You can also upload your own images (or your own stock images). If you'd like to upload your own stock images, below are some helpful tips on where to find images and how to deal with attributions.
Find free great stock images from these sites:

What type of images will you find?
All images and videos on Pixabay are released free of copyrights under Creative Commons CC0. You may download, modify, distribute, and use them royalty free for anything you like, even in commercial applications.
Do you need to give attribution? No.

What type of images will you find?
It's hard to understand complex licenses that is why all photos on Pexels are licensed under the Creative Commons Zero (CC0) license. This means the pictures are completely free to be used for any legal purpose.
Do you need to give attribution? No.

Photo by: Esther Westerveld from Haarlemmermeer, Nederland
What type of images will you find?
Unlike traditional media repositories, Wikimedia Commons is free. Everyone is allowed to copy, use and modify any files here freely as long as they follow the terms specified by the author; this often means crediting the source and author(s) appropriately and releasing copies/improvements under the same freedom to others. The license conditions of each individual media file can be found on their description page.
Do you need to give attribution? Depends on image. For an example of attribution, see image above.
Below are a list of urls to some searches for iconic buildings that you may find useful. Just click on the names and you'll be sent to the Wiki page of images for that building.
Contact support@archmarketing.org for what to do if the image you want to use requires attribution.